Sunday, July 27, 2008

what a week!

Hmm it has been awhile since I have blogged here - didn't realise quite how long!

I know it was the case for me and I know speaking to parents of newly diagnosed babies it is the case for them too, when you find out your child has a hearing loss, all you want to know is that they are going to be ok!

I can remember all those worries as if they were yesterday, would he have friends, how would he cope as he got older etc etc etc.

Last week was such a wow week and has made me reflect back to those feelings at that time, and how far we have come since then.

Last week A has been on work experience week. He chose to do it at one of the Universities here in the school of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Engineering. The work experience program itself looked daunting, but for us as his parents all the rest of the stuff was just as daunting.

OK so he is a teen, and maybe we have protected him just a bit *smile* but for one reason or another, it hasn't happened that he has needed to travel on public transport on his own. Being able to head into the city every day while we were working meant that this was going to happen during work experience week - a somewhat scary thought for his parents!

That and coping with people he didn't know, expectations of him from people that didn't know him and had probably never dealt with a person with a cochlear implant!! Oh it made me want to wrap him a in a hug and keep him safe with me : - )

Of course it was never going to be like that! Of course he would go, it was an ideal time for him to grow, take on some new challenges - I mean for goodness sake he is old enough to get his "learners"!

So the last week of the school holidays, A and I did the dummy run on the train into the city, walked to the Uni and even met one of the people of the work experience program when we went to find the office he had to meet at the following Monday. It nearly killed the both of us being up early enough to catch the train just after 8am!

That Sunday night we chatted before he went to bed that he was a little nervous about the next day, not so much the train trip on his own for the first time but more so work experience and what it would be like.

Of course I made the mistake of opening my mouth and letting B know that - no he didn't tease him - read on to find out why that was a mistake!!

I didn't sleep well Sunday night - you know worrying is part of the mum job title! I kept dreaming that things happened and he was stranded in the city! I mean really he has a mobile and all the wonders of modern technology at his disposal - so why was I worrying???

Monday morning came, B and I headed off for school, hubby and A left for the train station. I had asked A to sms me when he arrived at the Uni just so I knew he arrived safe and sound. A short time later hubby called to say he had deposited A at the station and offered to let him sit in the car awhile, but A was having none of it, he was out on the platform ready to hubby drove off leaving the image of a lone soul at the station in his rear view mirror.

Then around 9am came the sms, he was there no worries, and of course I was under instructions to sms hubby when I knew that our "baby" was safe!

I had to be in the city that first afternoon for a meeting so I arranged to meet A at the Uni and drive him home - well I don't think he shut up the whole way home, except the momentary stop in order to draw breath.

First he started talking to me about a friend "Ben" on the train - I thought at first it was another school friend going to work experience that happened to catch the same train. Nope Ben was an arts student at the Uni, and apparently he had to make a mad dash sprint for the train because he was running late and nearly missed it - oh and that was because he had one of those mornings when you keep hitting the snooze button thinking to yourself "just 5 more minutes, just 5 more minutes" and next thing you know you are running late and have to sprint for the train.

Of course this information was gleaned in a mutual conversation on a moving, rumbling train with less than brilliant acoustics chatting to some guy he had never seen before, but who between the two of them, had struck up a conversation on the way into the city!

After we exhausted that subject it was on to the supervisor and the photos of the 2 dogs she had at her desk in the office. He was suggesting to me what breeds he thought they were but that he didn't get a chance to ask because there was so much work experience related stuff.

Then it was on to the student paired with him for work experience "Tatiana". He shared with me, what school she was from, some stuff about her parents, and her country of birth, the subjects she was doing at school blah blah blah blah...

Here was me worrying about how he might do dealing with people and what if he had trouble understanding them??? Trouble understanding them, sounds like he drove them nuts involving them in conversations all day!

Although I did ask about him and his haste to get out of the car in the morning at the station...."oh mum I love Dad, but he WAS DRIVING ME NUTS!.....asking me if I had this, had that, did I know this, know that....I couldn't stand it, I had to get out!

Oh and telling Master B of A's nervousness about day 1.....turns out I was not the only one that didn't sleep well..apparently he tossed and turned all night worrying about his big brother going on the train by himself for the first time and into the city and work experience and all that...what a beautiful soul my son has, his sensitivity and caring takes my breath away some days.

And that was just day 1 - I have 4 more days to post yet!


Kath Lockett said...

Awwwwww, *sniff*.... I don't think our parental worrying will ever end. I know that my folks still worry...

Kath Lockett said...

So, how did the week go? I *need* to know - ANYTHING nice and soul-stirring to get my mind off snot and coughing!