Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good friends

Yesterday was an awesome today, I caught up with a friend I have seen in like 9 or so years!

She and I were at university together, not in the same courses but we knew some of the same people and became friends.

After leaving Uni we caught up a few times and I don't know life tended to get in the way. We both had kids, her marriage broke up and well she was flat out dealing with life as a working single mother. Each year we dutifully sent each other Christmas cards with a letter of what the year had brought for each of us, and each year saying "it has been too long we must catch up".

Well this year we actually did do that! She and her partner, her 2 kids and his 1 child, all came over for lunch. It was great. All the kids got on really well, yep love the Wii : - ) Her partner is a really lovely guy and we all got on really well together. We sat and talked and talked and talked, all afternoon about all kind of stuff - it was really nice.

I guess that is the thing about good friends, you can not see each in other in ages and when you do, it is like you have never been apart, you just pick up where you left off before.

Except this time we have made a tentative date for later in the year to do it again, otherwise before we know it, another 10 years will have gone by!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love that...and the Wii!!